We use a LEAN Coffee meeting format where we build the agenda as we go.
We've decided on this becasue we found a strict agenda was slowing us down and got boring quickly.
Occasionally we will experiment with other meeting formats if there is a particular topic in mind like:
Whether you're a long-time veteran or brand new to the community, everyone is encouraged to contribute.
This is an open space for all voices.
New members come with a fresh perspective and get the most current impression of how FU runs. This is really valuable as it often highlights where we have slipped from what we say we do vs. what we actually do.
We use the Meeting channel in TeamSpeak to talk.
To capture ideas we use Miro, a free to sign-up collaborative whiteboarding tool online.
You can join the FU miro team by signing up here
The board is ephemeral, since we don't pay for Miro we only get a few boards to use for free before they go Read-Only.
An officer should create a new board as appropriate for each meeting.