The combat medic in Planetside 2 is an efficient support and offense class. Its main focus is ensuring your friendly force is topped off with healing, as well as most critically, reviving your fallen comrades. The class features a variety of weaponry, from SMGs, Battle Rifles to Shotguns, but most noteably exclusive to them are the Assault Riffle class of weaponry. The latter feature some of the highest damage per second (DPS) weapons, as well as some of the best ranged weapons options in the game for each faction.
Combat Medic Loadouts:
As with any class, there is a vast array of different equipment, from weapons to support tools, available to the combat medic. This guide will focus on some “archetypes” of combat medic, though remember that these loadouts are down to your personal preference, especially when it comes to your desired weapon options.
With all loadouts, it is recommended to certify (purchase with Certification currency) the maximum upgrade ranks for the Nano Regen Device and the Medical Applicator tool, used to heal and heal+revive respectively. Just these fully upgraded make any combat medic loadout into a support powerhouse.
Support-Revives Combat Medic Loadout:
This loadout for the combat medic is perhaps the most widely recognised and used in Freelancers' Union squads. Used in very common point hold situations, this loadout is designed to keep your comrades up and fighting, while simultaneously being a danger to enemies that stray too close to its path.
Weapons: Close quarters, high-DPS weaponry (Shotguns, SMGs, ASSAULT RIFLES: Cycler TRV, TAR, T1 Cycler for Terran Republic characters).
Support equipment: Revive Grenades, Nano-Regen Device.
Suit Slot: FLAK Armour, Grenade Bandolier.
Implants: Combat Surgeon, Carapace/Survivalist.
Tools: C4 Explosives.
This combat medic loadout is primarily designed to help ensure that your squad can hold a singular point. Its main in-fight strategy revolves around cycling between reviving fallen friendlies and taking close quarters fights. The Combat Surgeon implant is your primary engine towards this aim: at maximum upgrade level, the implant will give you a 30% recharge on your Nano Regen Device ability on each revive or kill you score, allowing you to fuel self and area of effect (AoE) healing. This includes revives done via the Revive Grenades.
Combat Surgeon, at maximum level, also gives you a 25% resistance to small arms fire upon completing a revive, for 3.5 seconds. This allows a combat medic to go toe-to-toe with tougher classes such as the Heavy Assault for a short time, especially when wielding high DPS weapons. It is important to remember that you are a critical asset to your team in terms of the healing and revives you give out, so pick your engagements with enemies wisely. Bear in mind as well that for this reason, keeping yourself safe while low on health is important, as well as is staying away from openings such as windows and doorways.
Note from author: page will be expanded with at least a couple more combat medic loadout archetypes.