FUEL is a fortnightly training event focused on squad leadership. Participation is usually limited to outfit members in a single squad. The organizer acts as simulated platoon lead (PL).
Squad leadership is passed between participants and usually taken up for one or two "campaigns" (e.g. a lane push), it should be limited to 15-20 minutes. After a campaign comes to it's natural conclusion or the time is up the whole squad resets to the warpgate where the organizer, as well as the rest of the squad, take a moment (usually about an hour 5-10 minutes) to briefly give feedback on where the participant did well or how they could improve in the future.
The campaign target is selected either by the organizer, acting as simulated PL, or the current squad lead.
Once all willing participants have led the squad into battle leadership usually goes back to the first one (dependend on the organizer of the event).
These guidelines are a starting checklist to ensure consistent and effective gameplay for your squad:
Lines, we like lines. Make one at the warpgate.
Ensure sure your squad composition is in order. If you're going for infantry Standard public platoon composition is 1 infiltrator, 1 engineer, 5 medics, and 5 heavy assault.
FUEL squads usually deploy to their target via galaxy. Call for a galaxy, confirm the squad member you want to pull by name. As a squad member: check your nanites and volunteer to pull one. Never drive/fly yourself as a squad lead, your job includes looking at the map.
Once your galaxy is pulled board up and get the galaxy to fly towards an appropriate rally point, coordinate with platoon lead.
Decide on a strategy. What do you want your squad to do / achieve at the target. Do you want to push and hold a point? Where are the points on the target base? Could your squad be more useful in a flanking position, drawing population away from the point itself?
As you're approaching the current target position:
- Make sure the squad waypoint tells your pilot where to drop. If you have time discuss the general approach and put down fireteam waypoints as well, keep your squad engaged and make sure they know what to do after dropping.
- Tell your galaxy pilot to either keep or ditch the gal when you get there.
- Ask for a squad member to put down the first beacon immediately on drop, confirm by name. Alternatively designate one yourself.
After dropping the designated squad member puts down a beacon and calls out that it's been deployed. The leader should assesses the situation on the ground and maintains cohesion towards the common goal. Afterwards you shoot mens and either get wiped or reset to the warpgate.