This wiki page is for the Constructors on FU, those who wish to build solo or those who want to try to get a squad up and running and do something together.
First things first: Mentality
Where do I build, how do I build, what do I build, what do I place first?
We here in FU go for many principles, run by many different Leaders.
Build where there is going to be a lot of traffic, build in places where you can disrupt or hinder the flow of enemies moving between bases. Your goal is not to be everlasting, your goal is to last long enough for your friendlies to regroup at the previous base and push back out.
Avoid grand sprawling bases in the middle of bumfuck nowhere as much as possible: they will look cool, but you are useless to your Faction other than being a cute centerpiece they drive by/through
This one is tricky: every bit of terrain in PS2 is different, and does not lend itself to blueprints very much. Generally you start with a Silo and have the rest dictate by what enemy presence is around you.
Almost none? start with turrets and modules, walls to close them all in.
Being harrassed? Place a wall to block direct enemy fire, and alternate between walls/turrets/modules
Being actively attacked? Wall, spawn tube, Walls. you will be relying on the friendlies spawning around you
Given the size of Command Centers, they are a big and easy target to shoot at, but it brings 1 big upside: public players.
The CC has the ability to circumvent the fact you need 20k cortuim minimum to let your empire spawn vehicles, giving you friendlies spawning in on your CC and a higher chance they help defend the base.
Although blueprints dont work very well, some build pattern still persist and should be used as often as possible
The Durability Module wll keep the building alive longer by adding HP and reducing damage from tank and air-2-ground weapons by 20%.
The Equipment Terminal, to be slotted in downstairs, adds a way to qucikly switch classes before you grab a vehicle.
The Firewall Module stops modules being hacked before this module is hacked, to be slotted upstairs.
The Repair Module will passively heal for 0.5% health every second, patchingup any trickle damage done.
When under assault, the Durability module can be swapped for a Fortress Shield and the Repair Module for a Heavy Repair Module.
Equipment Terminal Module for quick swapping of classes at the buildsite.
Heavy Repair Module outrepairs the damage done by 2 Main battle Tanks. To be used when under assault
Heat Dispersion Module doubles your available "magazine" and cools the turret down twice as fast. To be used when firing at long range targets, or when you have 4+ engineers repairing your turret.
Every wall gets a Repair Module and a Durability Module, in that order.
Bunker gets a Repair Module and Equipment Terminal Module.
Rebirthing Center gets a Skywall Shield Module.
Infantry Tower gets a Equipment Terminal Module.
Sunderer garage gets a Projectile Shield Module and a Equipment Terminal Module, in that order
Glaive IPC and The Flail get Repair Modules, to repair trickle damage
Orbital Strike Uplink gets Skywall Shield Module, Repair Module and a Firewall Module.
Deliverer Module is mandatory
The rest are personal preference
Howler is capable of sucking a small node dry very quickly, maing it ideal for quick sip and deposit runs, but they do overheat.
The default harvests at a fixed rate, but doesnt overheat in return!