¶ Unit Commander Module
¶ Why was this module made and when to use it?
This module was made to make it easier to control spawned units. The module will act as a "commander" for groups in the defined area and will send a certain amount of groups to respond to the certain player threat.
Basically, the module finds all groups of enemy faction (you can select enemy faction in the module settings) and checks for any players in the defined area. If players in that area get spotted (how easily they get detected depends on the sensitivity settings in the module), then the module sends an X amount of groups to respond to the player threat (x amount of groups can also be defined in module settings).
The module can be assigned to a UNIT, OBJECT or VEHICLE. If assigned to one of those, then the command module will work so long as the assigned commander object is alive.
This module will work for all units (both when spawned with Eden and Zeus, and will also work with FU spawn modules).
Module settings include:
- Area shape and size - this sets enemy detection area (only players in this area can be spotted) and enemy control area (only enemies in this area can be assigned to respond to players).
- Detect AI Units - will enable AI friendlies to be detected as well.
- Commander Unit - input VARIABLE NAME of a UNIT/VEHICLE/OBJECT to assign it as a commander, you can leave it empty if you don't want to have a specific commander unit.
- Player Side - the side/faction of playable units.
- Enemy Side - the side/faction of enemy units.
- Response Sensitivity - what knowledge level enemies need to reach to respond to players (where 0 knowledge means enemies don't know about players and 4 knowledge means enemies know exactly where players are). Very sensitive = 1; Sensitive = 2; Moderate = 3; Less sensitive = 4;
- Response Strenght - How many groups will be called to respond to player threat (includes the group that spotted them). Put 0 for every available group in radius.
- Response Level - How many players need to be spotted before enemies respond.